Thursday, November 13, 2008

Travel, yo!

Travel plans changed all of a sudden last night. No, no, nothing alarming. It's all good. Hubby discovered more time off on his work schedule. So, in less than ten days, we're off on our annual pilgrimage to the other end of the earth visiting every relative in Hubby's bushy family tree.

Doctor to visit, holidays cards to write, gifts to buy and mail, thousand and one things to cross off list....Watch Keira work herself into a tizzy. (I think the school teacher is the most stressed out of everyone involved. She has to prepare the homework kit. Heh.)

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, Happpy Kwanza, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Merry Solstice, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Oh, and try to have a smashing New Year's Eve, too, if you can, and do eat my share of the turkey, too.

See you in the new year...


pjpuppymom said...

Keira, have a safe trip and a wonderful visit with everyone. We'll miss you!


Keira Soleore said...

Oh, you're so sweet. Thanks much, PJ. Wish you fun and safe holidays!!

Anonymous said...

Happy everything! Enjoy the tastes and temptations of the season!

Keira Soleore said...

Mags, thanks for stopping by. All the best to you for finishing up your current work before the family descends. I'm looking forward to your 'very good news.'