Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I apologize for the delay in the Monday Blog, which should be up later this week, or two for next week. I was nursing Le Migraine and communing with The Porcelain God. Bleh.


  1. Ack - I recently started getting migraines, too. Actually, I think I've been having them for a while, but I only just realized what they were when they worsened to the porcelain-god phase. Fortunately, I only get them a few times a year.

    You have my sympathies - they're so incapacitating! Rest up and feel better.

  2. Keira, you poor little diamond of the first water! Look after yourself. Your blogs are worth waiting for!

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry you're sick. Get well! Take a nap!
    Also, I added you to my blogroll if that's alright.

  4. I want you to know I remembered and did come looking. Now, can I remember again? *g* Feel better!

  5. Keira, I don't have migraines, but I have friends who get them, and they're just awful. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Thank you all, dear friends, for your notes and the sympahty!!

    I get them daily in the late afternoons. Some days are tolerable, some not so. Ack.

    Diamond of the first water, eh Foanna? That sounds good!

    Kelly, I'm so glad to have met you on the message boards and on Facebook. Thanks for the add to your blogroll. I've added you to mine.

    Mags, heh. Your memory is very good as always, not to mention conscientious.

    Thanks Jeanne and Nancy for waiting.

  7. Yeah, ick, double ick. They come on their own schedule and march to their own drummers' tune.
