Monday, July 14, 2008

Historical Conference 2008

[Edited 7/17: I replaced the former tentative schedule of June 26, with the newly released one of July 16.

Edited 7/18: Kalen Hughes is leading a museum tour to Lacis Textile Musem.]


Lacis Textile Museum outing on Friday, Aug 1. Kalen Hughes says, "Meet in the lobby of the hotel after the Connie Brockway luncheon. We will walk up to the train (BART), buy tickets ($6.60 round trip), and head over to Berkeley's Ashby Station. The shop/museum is right across the street. Note: This place is amazing. If you like books or do needlework of any kind, be prepared to take a hit in the pocket book (the museum is free though)."


The Beau Monde and Hearts Through History chapters are holding a joint conference on Wednesday, July 30, a day before National 2008 swings into full gear in San Francisco.

Schedule of Events

7:45 – 9:00AM
Breakfast & Registration & Annual Meeting
Golden Gate A2-A3

9:00 – 9:40
Keynote Speaker: Jocelyn Kelley (aka Jo Ann Ferguson): The Quest for the Holy Sale
Golden Gate A2-A3

9:45 – 10:40
Workshop Session One

10:45 – 11:10

11:15 – 12:10
Workshop Session Two

12:15 – 1:15
Golden Gate A2-A3

1:15 – 2:15
Workshop Session Three

2:15 – 2:25

2:30 – 3:25
Workshop Session Four

3:30 – 4:30
Tea and Silent Auction
Golden Gate A2-A3

8:45 – 11PM
Soiree with Dancemaster
Golden Gate B2-B3

Workshop Session One
9:45 – 10:40

Sierra F
Medieval, Tudor and Elizabethan Clothing
with Jessica Cohen and Cathie Berte
With over 70 years of re-enacting experience between them, these ladies know their stuff. Join them for an interactive clothing demonstration and discussion of just how the clothing of these eras worked.

Sierra E
My Lady's Boudoir
with Candice Hern
Join author Candice Hern for a show and tell with her collection of fabulous Georgian-era antiques.

Sierra C
Women of Ancient Rome
with Judy Ridgley
What was it like to be a woman in Ancient Rome? Judy Ridgley will take you on a trip through the sisterhood of Roman wives, mothers, daughters, and priestesses.

Sierra G
Black Powder Weapons Through the Ages
with black powder expert Gordon Frye
Re-enactor and film consultant Gordon Frye with share his expertise on the history of black powder weapons, and he'll be bringing in actual guns and swords so you can see how they worked!

Sierra H
Sell that Historical
with Kensington editor Hilary Sares
& Michelle Buonfiglio from Romance: B(u)y the Book
Where the genre is and where it's going! If anyone knows, it's these two women. So if you're looking to sell or interested in what is selling, this is the workshop for you.

Sierra I
Women's Property Rights in England (~1770-1900)
with Courtney Milan
Is the will your plot hinges upon legal? Explore this important and obscure topic with the Beau Monde's resident legal eagle (and bring along your own scenarios for vetting!).

Workshop Session Two
11:15 – 12:10

Sierra F
Georgian and Regency Clothing
with Kalen Hughes
Join author Kalen Hughes for a live demonstration of clothing of the 18th and early 19th centuries (if we're very lucky she'll even have a male model in full regimentals!). "Officers!!!" Kitty and Lydia vibrated with excitement in P&P.

Sierra E
Characters of the Wild West
with Paty Jager
Meet exciting characters of the West: The Rancher, The Soiled Dove, The Lawmen, The Gunfighter, The Entrepreneur.

Sierra C
Historical Medicine and Illnesses
with Scott Moore
Join medical historian Scott Moore for his presentation on all things medical, and how to research this topic for yourself.

Sierra G
Medieval and Renaissance Food
with Cherylyn Crill
Join re-enactor Cherylyn Crill for a tasting workshop of period foods (must be pre-registered).

Sierra H
Life as a Roman Centurion
with Robert Garbisch
See the empire through the eyes of a citizen. Re-enactor Robert Garbisch will share with you his unique perspective of life in the Roman Empire as a centurion.

Sierra I
Another Time, Another Place: Transporting the Reader with Your Historical Romance
with Terry Irene Blain
Historical romances should transport the reader to another time and another place. This workshop will cover a discussion of all the elements that make a historical romance historical, including research and how to integrate your information in to the frame work of you story.

Workshop Session Three

Sierra F
Victorian Clothing
with Moira Knowlan
A live demonstration of Victorian clothing (with and emphasis on understanding the layers and undergarments).

Sierra E
Great Estates of Britain, Part I: Roman to Elizabethan
with Victoria Hinshaw
Have trouble picturing just what your hero's estate looks like? Join author Victoria Hinshaw for a tour of the great estates of Britain.

Sierra C
Sex Through History
with Delilah Marvelle
Join debut author Delilah Marvelle for the a frank discussion of the naughty side of history from the Middle Ages to the Edwardian era.

Sierra G
A Gentleman's Tipple: Georgian, Regency and Victorian Beverages
with Kalen Hughes
What's the difference between Whiskey and whisky? Sherry and sack? What does Raspberry Shrub taste like? Join author Kalen Hughes and find out (must be pre-registered).

Sierra H
Q&A about Ancient Rome
with the Members of Legio X Fretenis
Have a question about Ancient Rome that nobody seems to know the answer to? Now is your chance to ask the experts. Members from Legio X Fretenis.

Sierra I
Arms and Armor
with Steve Moffat
Join re-enactor and professional armorer Steve Moffat for a reprise of the armor workshop he gave to DreamWorks for Shrek III. Steve will be bringing along example of armor from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. What to know just what happen when your hero falls wearing full plate? Here's your chance!

Workshop Session Four
2:30 – 3:25

Sierra F
Paranormal Historicals: How to Make Them Work
with Traci Hall
Join author Traci Hall for a look at the ways Christianity absorbed Pagan beliefs as a way to draw the people into the `new' religion.

Sierra E
Great Estates of Britain, Part II: Jacobean to 20th Century
With Victoria Hinshaw
Have trouble picturing just what your hero's estate looks like? Join author Victoria Hinshaw for a tour of the great estates of Britain.

Sierra C
Panel on Historical Horsemanship
with Sophia Nash, Shannon Donnelly, Kathrynn Dennis & Gordon Frye
Join our panel of experienced riders, authors, equine veterinarians and historical cavalry consultants for a bit of lecture and a lot of Q&A on this important topic.

Sierra G
Kickshaws: Regency & Victorian Refreshments
with Kalen Hughes
Quaking Pudding and Blanc'mange ahoy! Join author Kalen Hughes for a taste of Regency and Victorian era refreshments (must be pre-registered).

Sierra H
Roman Hand-to-Hand Combat
with the Members of Legio X Fretenis
Members of Legion X will take you through hand to hand combat and answer questions about what works and what doesn't when describing close-in fighting.

Sierra I
Making Your Historical Characters Come Alive
with Megan Frampton, Amanda McCabe & Andrea Pickens
Just because you're writing in a distant time period doesn't mean your characters should be distant to your readers. Make your characters come alive through dialogue, attitudes, description and actions, while still remaining true to the period.

Workshop Tracks

Ancient Rome
Time Line
An Overflow Track

Please note this is a work in progress and is still open to changes. If you have questions, please email The Beau Monde president kalen (at) kalenhughes (dot) com.

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