Friday, July 4, 2008

My Photo

Here's my photo so folks can recognize me at National.

[Edited 7/9: Added one more...]


  1. Who is that masked stranger? Oh, you're not wearing a mask! That's OK, then, I'll recognize you ;-)

  2. And I was all ready to look for a girl in a cute bonnet. :)

  3. Heh. If only I could find a costume that resembles my logo!! Perhaps I shall enquire with all those costumers and experts at the Historical (Beau Monde) Conference.

    This year I have a super secret costume for the Beau Monde soiree (party Wednesday night), inspired by Foanna's WIP. Perhaps next year, 'twill be the bonnet.

  4. Hey, Keira, you'd better have piccies taken at that soiree! I wanna see this and I won't be there.

  5. Will do. I'll take pictures of the costume with me in it and without (so you can see it to advantage).

  6. Um, Keira, I want you clothed in EVERY picture, thank you! Please!!!

  7. Careful, my friend. Raj is corrupting you! It was the costume with me and without me in it. Hah.

  8. LOL! at Anna.

    Keira - I love the haircut. Now I'll know you when I see you!

    Can't believe it's only a few weeks away.

  9. Awww, you're not going to wear the bonnet at Nationals?

    Seriously, though, I'll wave if I see you. I clock in at about 5 foot 2, though, so chances of my spotting anybody who's not standing directly in front of me are slim. :-) But I'll say hello to everybody with your haircut just in case. :-)

  10. Cute haircut! Looking forward to seeing you in SF.

  11. Cute do! The bonnet illustration always conjures up a totally innocent chick -- which we know you are SO not! LOL! Time to put your new pic up! :-) Can't wait for National!

  12. Smoov, I'm right sorry but I don't think I can conjure up this costume in two weeks. Perhaps in DC, I shall have that one done. If that perhaps sporting my hairstyle comes at your arms akimbo, run towards that person (meeeee), not away.

    Emily, I _CAN_NOT_ wait to see you again, girl. Two months has been a long time. Looking forward to our gab fest.

    Christina, that's truly the vermillion rose calling bloodred tulip red. The other commenters on this list know me far too well to assume that I'd be as demure as the picture I provide for the world is.

  13. Cute, cute, cute! Wish I was going. Sigh. Maybe next year. And thanks so much for your good wishes!

  14. OMG, I'm late to the party, but that is a gorgeous haircut! A pretty frame for a pretty face!

    See you soon!

    (Isnt' it cool that we can say that?)

  15. Adorable pics! I wish I were going! Next year, I keep telling myself.

  16. "I clock in at about 5 foot 2, though, so chances of my spotting anybody who's not standing directly in front of me are slim.

    As a 5 foot nothing girl, I understand the feeling. That's why I jump up and down a lot at National--not because I'm so excited but just so I can see people. :)

    Did you get a haircut since last year, Keira???

  17. Test-posting since Blogger's been gobbling up my comments. Grrrr.

  18. Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. (wailing) You're not going? I was so incredibly looking forward to seeing you. Are any of the Vixens going?

    Kelly, you, too. I guess SF is just too far away (and expensive).

    Next year's at DC. I hope to see both of you there.

    Deb, yes!! Isn't it cool we're going to be seeing each other in fifteen days? Yay, f.i.f.t.e.e.n!!

  19. Ammanda, yes. I have to get a haircut three times a year. The picture in the first row to the right was in April, the one on the left at the end of May, and bottom one in June. So far, my hair's thinned out considerably, but hasn't fallen out or grayed out. This summer though, we had the sun early in June (most summers in Seattle don't start till after The Fourth) and I was out in it enough that the hair turned orangey. Yeah. Brings back a flashback, right? I had to go in a couple weeks ago to get it browned. Another haircut next week.
