Friday, July 18, 2008

Tag Friday aka Three Things Meme

From TheDiaperDiaries.wordpress.comAll good things come in threes, right?

So, here's this meme (a definition), courtesty of the très fun Lil Bee.

1. What are the last three things you purchased?
- Plum-colored purse
- Littlest Petshop toys (no, you may not ask me about this at National)
- Self-sticking bandage to tape fore and middle fingers (nope, not about this either)

2. What are the last three songs you downloaded?
- None, because I'm the last person on earth who doesn't own an i-something. My sis-in-law is so horrified, she's going to gift me her iPod Shuffle (w00t!)

3. Where were the last three places you visited?
- Great Wolf Lodge (indoor water park and magical themed resort)
- Portland (family)
- North Carolina (see earlier blog)

4. What are your three favorite movies?
- Pride & Prejudice
- My Fair Lady
- Kolya

5. What are your three favorite possessions?
- Cell phone
- USB memory stick
- Laptop

6. What three things can you not live without?
- Books
- Books
- Books

7. What would be your three wishes?
- Clean drinking water for everyone
- Compulsory vaccinations for all children
- Happiness

8. What are three things you have not done yet?
- Sold a book
- Met a writer with a burr up her backside
- Read a book that changed my life profoundly

9. What are your three favorite dishes?
- Nutella (what? that's not a dish? I challenge you prove otherwise!)
- Princess cashew chicken with tons of broccoli
- Roast chicken (yes, I'm a choco-carnivore, contributing to the 1.5 billion chickens consumed, according my dad the encyclopedia)

10. What three celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
- Judi Dench
- Helen Mirren
- Angelina Jolie

11. Name three things that freak you out.
- Heights
- Public toilets
- Crunchy cockroaches

12. If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
- (A?) Loyal Friend

13. Name three unusual things you are good at.
- Laughing at every joke (don't believe me? try me!)
- Putting both feet into mouth at the same time
- Meeting the most wonderful people everywhere (not that I have anything to do with it; they just appear)

14. What are three things you are currently coveting?
- A small pocket camera with the resolution and ease-of-use of The Brick
- Trip to Tibet
- The first sale

15. What three bloggers would you like to tag?
- This blog does not discriminate against, nor does it distinguish between, commentators. All are welcome.

Aaaaand, go!


  1. And I thought I was the last holdout with the ipod. But, alas, you're soon to leave me alone when your sister gives you
    Also, I would like to meet Angelina Jolie. She seem like one cool chick, just like you!

  2. Hi Kelly. Ooh, good. I have company among those non-iPod-holders. But yes, this weekend I become a Shuffle owner. Yay!!

    I don't think I can read a sentence which puts me with Angelina Jolie with a straight face and a fit of giggles. She's a goddess; me, a lowly human. I'd love to meet her. How does she do all these things with grace?!

  3. Hey, Keira, I'm a sucker for these things! By the way, I love your answers.

    1. What are the last three things you purchased?

    - Tim Tams for US trip
    - Caramello Koalas for US trip
    - Undies for US trip

    2. What are the last three songs you downloaded?

    Keira, you're not alone in not owning an i-anything. Can't answer this one.

    3. Where were the last three places you visited?
    - Brisbane
    - Daylesford
    - Melbourne

    4. What are your three favorite movies?
    - Lawrence of Arabia
    - How to Steal a Million
    - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

    5. What are your three favorite possessions?
    - Antique Japanese bowl (courtesy of Christine Wells)
    - My Piano
    - CTC signed by Bryan Ferry (sigh)

    6. What three things can you not live without?
    - Books
    - My Piano
    - My radio

    7. What would be your three wishes?
    - World peace
    - World kindness to animals
    - NYT placing - hey, I've been unselfish about the first two ;-)

    8. What are three things you have not done yet?
    - Danced at the Bolshoi
    - Sung at the Met
    - Won a RITA

    9. What are your three favorite dishes?
    - Roast beef
    - Rack of lamb
    - Pad Thai

    10. What three celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?

    Keira, I loved your selection here.
    - Judi Dench
    - Ivo Pogorelich
    - Pat Rafter

    11. Name three things that freak you out.
    - Heights
    - Public toilets
    - Crunchy cockroaches

    Actually, I'll just steal your three. They work for me. Especially the cockroaches which are the size of Clydesdales here!

    12. If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
    - Noisy, exuberant, curious.

    13. Name three unusual things you are good at.

    Baking, laughing, typing.

    14. What are three things you are currently coveting?
    - Fjord cruise in Norway
    - Tawny Weber's new book
    - RITA

    15. What three bloggers would you like to tag?

    - Christine Wells
    - Annie West
    - Jo Robertson

  4. Keira,

    What fun! Of course I've discovered your blog when I have wet hair and am about to go out to a day of meetings (don't ask!). But, here's my (shortened list).

    1. Last 3 purchases:
    - Rick Stein's 'French Odyssey' Cookbook. It's a gift but I've decided I want one too.
    - Down jacket for a trip to Germany at Christmas (yesss!).
    - Afternoon tea for my parents.

    2. Ditto - I'm a non-downloader.

    3. Last 3 places visited:
    - Hunter Valley vineyards
    - Sunshine Coast of Queensland
    - Port Macquarie (more Aussie coast)

    4. Fave movies?
    - Pride and Prejudice (the TV version - I know, not a movie, but still...)
    - Casablanca (I can never resist it when it's on TV)
    - Argh - too early in the day to make up my mind - too many to choose from.

    5. Fave possessions. Kids don't count do they? Hm, no, they're definitely not possessions.
    - my new sofa
    - a special anniversary gift from my husband (antique silver bowl)
    - a very early edition of Byron's poems that belonged to an elderly relative (it was her mum's and very special to her).

    6. Can't live without:
    - my family
    - my books
    - my computer

    7. Three wishes:
    - no deaths from poverty
    - people treating others they way they want to be treated
    - a better insight into the black moment for my current ms

    8. Things I haven't done yet:
    - parasailed
    - visited Morocco
    - learned to tango

    9. Fave dishes:
    - roast lamb
    - tart au citron (yuuuuuuum)
    - chocolate...?

    10. Celebrities to hang out with:
    - Bryan Ferry
    - David Tennant
    - Cate Blanchet

    Argh...I've run out of time. Sorry not to finish but I need to get dressed and run......But I will tag some bloggers. How about Christine Wells, Vanessa Barneveld and Trish Morey?


  5. Hi, Keira! Fun post. Annie West tagged me - looks like all three of us have much in common...

    1. What are the last three things you purchased?
    - A penguin. (Just a toy one for my niece.)
    - Weather strip to keep the cold draughts from blowing in under my front door.
    - Hazelnut chocolate from Darrell Lea that is made only in winter.

    2. What are the last three songs you downloaded?
    I'm not a downloader. My computer's too slow anyway!

    3. Where were the last three places you visited?
    - Sunshine Coast (friends)
    - Los Angeles (family)
    - Fiji (Okay, it was a stop-over but I got to know the departure lounge fairly well in those four hours)

    4. What are your three favorite movies?
    - Dirty Dancing
    - How to Marry a Millionaire
    - North By Northwest

    5. What are your three favorite possessions?
    - laptop
    - bed
    - camera

    6. What three things can you not live without?
    - chocolate
    - chocolate
    - chocolate

    7. What would be your three wishes?
    - For all good wishes to come true
    - Harmony
    - To be a multipublished novelist (Heck, to be published at all!)

    8. What are three things you have not done yet?
    - Sold a book
    - The butterfly stroke in swimming (nor am I ever likely to)
    - Run faster than 12 miles per hour on the treadmill (but I might get there tomorrow for three seconds)

    9. What are your three favorite dishes?
    - Nutella sandwiches
    - Hot chips with mayo
    - Churros dipped in chocolate

    10. What three celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
    - Annie West
    - Madonna
    - Cary Grant (if he were around)

    11. Name three things that freak you out.
    - Public toilets
    - The Chinatown fish markets in Sydney
    - Slugs

    12. If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
    - Easily led yet single-minded = infuriating (not to mention terrible at maths)

    13. Name three unusual things you are good at.
    - Drilling holes (which came in handy when I attached the weather strip to the door)
    - Making a mess of things
    - Panicking

    14. What are three things you are currently coveting?
    - a 3G iPhone
    - a blue silk cocktail dress from Quick Brown Fox
    - a new bathroom

    15. What three bloggers would you like to tag?
    - Um... I can't decide!

  6. Ugh, Vanessa! Those fish markets are seriously hellacious! Except any demons would move because they stink so much.

  7. You realize by admitting to the feet thing, you're setting yourself up for some drunken demands, right?

  8. Of COURSE Nutella is a dish!! I often eat it for dinner myself. This weekend I mixed some strawberries up in it, which makes it super-healthy, right???

    Totally agree with your celebs to hang out with, too. Though I am kind of hating on Helen Mirren after seeing pics of how skinny she is in her bikini, which is so not fair. :)

  9. Keira--my family LOVEs the Great Wolf Lodge. One of my sons swears he's going to become rich just so he can live in a penthouse at the top of one (a la Zach and Cody?)

    LOL! Oh, I am saving that gem for a wedding speech or some other future humiliation! Hee hee.
