As the year comes to a close and the days gets shorter and colder (and wetter here in the Pacific Northwest), my thoughts turn naturally to brighter things like the coming holidays, new beginnings, the new year, and goals and schedules.
A part of the making of new goals is a reflection of goals for the closing year. I had two main ones: writing and friendships.
On the writing side, I finished one story and started a new one. I joined Eastside RWA chapter, attended the National conference, started this blog, and have write-meets with Lacey Kaye every weekend. I couldn't attended the regional conference due to a mix-up in registration and have unfortunately not been able to update this blog on a bi-weekly or even a weekly basis. This is one of my goals for the new year. Consistency, consistency, consistency, health bedamned.
In terms of books, this translates to finish and revise both books, enter a couple contests, put PRO application through, and pitch, query, pitch, query, pitch, query.
The same goes with friendships. I have made amazing friendships over the course of my haunting blogs and boards for the past three years. I can never say "thank you" enough times or with enough gravitas that is their due. My friends have enriched my life beyond all measure. Life's definitely a far better place to be because of them.
This year, as my writing and health issues crept up, regularity (posting, not the other, hah) has been a problem. My correspondence has suffered. I have too many stops on the web, so many friends, so many interesting places. Greediness is my downfall, because I have less time than I did last year. Better to be concentrated and consistent, than flitting and flirty.
Here is my now prioritized and shortened list of places to stop on the 'Net... Twitter, Facebook, livejournal, Hotmail, Weather, riskyregencies, romancebandits, Candice Hern board, Berkley Jove Authors forums, Eloisa James & Julia Quinn board, waxcreative, rebelsofromance,,, wordwenches, historyhoydens, Elizabeth Boyle, Jo Bourne, Jane Porter, manuscriptmavens, aplacefororiginals, vauxhallvixens, romancevagabonds, Tessa Dare, singlecitychick, Kelli Estes, Beau Monde email loop, WritingRegency email loop, Eastside RWA email loop.
As you laugh, joke, cook, and shop for the holidays, are you thinking of the new year to come and what it holds for you?
How many web stops do you have every day?
Do you have correspondence goals? Travel ones? Writing ones?
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