Sunday, February 22, 2009

The 81st Academy Awards

Hugh JackmanOscarAt three o'clock (USPT), that is in less than half an hour, the Red Carpet show of the 2009 Oscars will start outside the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, and I'll start live-blogging the 81st spectacle at Candice Hern's Board. Will your eyes be glued to your telly and your bum to your couch? Mine will be, as my fingers fly trying to comment on everything I'm watching. Do come and join us Bluestockings in The Manor.

To smooth your welcome, here's a drink recipe from Oscar himself.

The Red Carpet Fizz
1/2 oz Pomegranate Juice
1/3 oz Orange Liquor
Add Fresh Raspberries
Top with Moët & Chandon White Star Champagne

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