Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Meme of Superlatives

I stole this meme of superlatives from Janga.

1. The romance novel that made you laugh the most.
Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James

2. The romance novel that made you cry the most.
Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas

3. The first romance novel you read.
—something by Barbara Cartland

4. The most recent romance novel you read.
One Knight Only by Julia Latham

5. The romance novel with the best opening scene.
Untouched by Anna Campbell

6. The romance novel with the best ending.
My Lady Notorious by Jo Beverley

7. The romance novel with the ending you most want to change.
To Sin With A Stranger by Kathryn Caskie (ending's far too drawn out)

8. The romance novel you most want to see made into a movie.
Odd Mom Out by Jane Porter

9. The romance novel with the best title.
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

10. The romance novel with the best love scene.
Tall, Dark, Texan by Jodi Thomas

11. The romance novel with the hero you most want to fall in love with.
Wicked Little Game by Christine Wells
Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas

12. The romance novel with the heroine you like the most.
Ransom by Julie Garwood


  1. Keira, you're a honey to include my darling Vane. Thank you! Looks like he's in great company, too:)

  2. Great list, Keira! I just finished reading "Mine Til Midnight" not long ago, and agree that Cam is super-yummy. (the sequel seemed somewhat like a less-psychotic "Wuthering Heights")

    I think my first romance read was Cartland's book about an Elizabethan girl who sneaks onto a ship headed for the New World...

  3. Hey, Keira, thanks so much for including darling Matthew in your meme. He sends his love!

  4. Hi Keira! Thanks for including Practice Makes Perfect as the romance that made you laugh! That's so wonderful to hear. Nice pick on Sugar Daddy, BTW-- I'm a big fan of that one, too.

  5. Christine, surely you meant to write, MY Vane there, didn't you? The minute the book landed on my doorstep, he was mine. You relinquished all control over him.

    Ammanda, good to read that you're working through your pile (omg-pile) of LK's books. I'm waiting to read her third historical in that series coming out in October.

    Ammanda, no wonder you have a love of the pirates and ship-board romance, if that was the first type of story you read.

    Fo, a list such as this cannot be complete without a mention of one of your books.

    Julie, welcome to the blog and thanks for your comment here. I really, really want to see PMP made into a movie, too. Hubby is just finishing reading up the story, and this is only his second romance. I've heard him chuckling over it every time the book's been in his hands.
