Friday, May 29, 2009

Picture Day Friday

Prince Regent George the IV recruited Antonin CarĂªme to preside over this lavishly scaled Great Kitchen and its vast batterie de cuisine at the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England.


  1. Looks just like my kitchen -- so spacious.... um, NOT!

  2. My whole house could fit in that kitchen. But yours is even a quarter of that size, I'm moving to Bay Area.

  3. Keira I visited the Royal Pavilion and the kitchen last month--it was wonderful, but the kitchen is much smaller than this image suggests!

    Ian Kelly, who wrote the excellent bio of Beau Brummell also wrote a book about Careme which I highly recommend.

  4. Janet, thanks to your lovely blog recently and before about Ian Kelly's book (and when it was available on the web for a steal), I own a copy of its deliciousness.
