Thursday, January 14, 2010


Support Doctors Without Borders in HaitiMédecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) has been one of the first aid groups on the ground actively helping Haitians since the earthquake struck unmercifully on January 12.

Every year, we donate sums of money to various organizations around the world as our little contribution to make the world a slightly better place than what it was before. We've supported Médecins Sans Frontières for more than a decade, because we believe in its charter: "independent, impartial assistance to those most in need."

However, the annual donations are for sustaining causes. Disasters of this magnitude require aid of corresponding magnitude.

Flag of Haiti"It is important to give quickly in the Haitian quake because that nation does not have the resilience of prosperous developed nations," says Richard Sylves, a professor of political science at the University of Delaware. "Responders will have to attack the devastation with military zeal. Medical workers will have to be largely self-supportive as they will have to import the vast majority of the equipment and supplies they need to provide even elemental emergency medical aid."

Please donate generously to help MSF help the women, men, and children of Haiti knit their bodies, minds, and lives together.

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