Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Lady Jane!

Copyright Lady Jane's Salon & Hope TarrLady Jane isn't Jane Austen, whose birthday was on December 16. Lady Jane is a romance reading salon held on the first Monday of every month at the Madame X lounge in downtown Manhattan, and Lady Jane's turning one tomorrow, February 1.

As author Lauren Willig writes, "Rather than being a one month wonder, Lady Jane’s Salon has grown from month to month, building up a population of both repeat visitors and friends of friends." Author Hope Tarr adds, "When [we] came up with the concept for Lady Jane's, we anticipated having ten or so attendees each month. In a very short time, we found ourselves filling up the house to the point where many Salon nights are now standing room only."

What a feat after a mere year for founders: Maya Rodale, Hope Tarr, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Ron Hogan. Salons showcase readings by three authors, perhaps some music, chat, drinks, finger foods, and laughter.

Copyright Share the Love organizationTo gain entrée, you need to bring in one gently used romance novel or pay $5 to benefit Share the Love, a charitable endeavor that provides books to non-profit organizations that provide assistance to women in transitional periods of their lives.

So, a very happy first birthday celebration, Lady Jane's Salon. May there be many, many more to follow.


  1. Thanks for the awesome mention of Lady Jane's first birthday!

  2. Yes, thanks so much, Keira. The generosity of the romance community is the real not-so-secret of the Salon's success. The volume of Re-Tweets and blog recaps promo'ing tonight's party has been thrilling and humbling both.

    I wish you could be with us tonight. That said, another of tonight's guests, Sara Lindsey, will be posting a recap to the blog, and we plans to take lots o' pictures.

  3. Thanks for visiting, Maya and Hope! I'm envious thinking of you guys at Madame X even as I write this. Both of you have done something quite amazing to raise the stature of romance in the snootiest of snooty literary spots in the country. Looking forward to seeing all the pictures.
