Tuesday, January 12, 2010

RWA Celebrates 30 Years

Copyright of Romance Writers of AmericaThe Romance Writers of America invites members to share in the association's 30th anniversary in 2010. Send your RWA memories and a note about what the association has meant to you to RWReditor@rwa.org. Selected entries will run in the Romance Writers Report in 2010.

Do you have photos from the early years? RWA is seeking photos from National Conferences in the following years: 1984 (Detroit), 1985 (Atlanta), 1986 (Minneapolis), 1987 (Dallas), 1988 (Seattle), 1989 (Boston), 1990 (San Francisco), 1991 (New Orleans), and 1995 (Hawaii). Send photos (or JPEGs on CD) to the RWA Office, attn: Erin Fry, 14615 Benfer Rd., Houston, TX 77069. Please identify, if possible, any persons featured in the photos. If you would like the photos returned, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

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