Monday, February 1, 2010

GIVEAWAYS: Lessons in French

Copyright SourcebooksAs promised on Friday, here's more information about the LESSONS IN FRENCH by Laura Kinsale giveaways. Yes, in the plural. I have multiple books to give away. Five, to be exact, thanks to the generosity of the publisher Sourcebooks.

Here's what you need to do. I'll be posting a blog everyday this week, Tuesday through Friday on LIF and all things Laura Kinsale. Comment on the blogs to toss your name into the hat from which I'll let Monsieur Randomizer pull out four names.

The fifth book will go to one of the commenters on the thread announcing this giveaway on the Laura Kinsale Fan Page on Facebook.

So...gather your friends, your near and dear, and let's get ready for a Kinsale extravaganza!!


  1. Great giveaway, Keira! I'm looking forward to reading "all things Kinsale" this week!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, PJ. I have some fun in store.

  3. I absolutely love all of Laura Kinsale's books. Can't wait to get a copy of Lessons in French. Maybe I'll get lucky here!

  4. Jo, thanks for visiting my blog. Looking forward to chatting with you some more here this week. Laura will be stopping by from time to time, too, so that should be fun!
