Monday, February 8, 2010

Lessons in French WINNERS

Copyright SourcebooksThank you all for participating in the four-day LESSONS IN FRENCH by Laura Kinsale extravaganza. Thank you also to Laura Kinsale for responding to queries and comments and to Sourcebooks for underwriting the giveaway copies.

Without much further ado...

Madame Randomizer has chosen the FOUR WINNERS!!




Katherine/K. Hall

Congratulations to the four of you! Please send your mailing addresses to keira at keirasoleore dot com, and I'll forward them on to Sourcebooks. Thank you!

[Edited 2/9/10: Helen, just emailed me to say that she already has a copy of LIF. So I let Madame Randomizer draw another name.............Debb of hand.pecked, please send me your address.]

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