Thursday, February 25, 2010

Like, write some code, bro!

Hello Readers.
I want to introduce you to the deeply hidden geek side of me via Like, Python. It is a version of Python that adds words, such as "like," "yo," and "bro" to Python's lexicon.

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, extensible programming language for web development. A higher-level explanation of Like, Python is reading Python code like actually speaking the language normally; developed by Jonathan Howard.

Like, Python Keywords:

Valleygirl:omg, so, like, totally, right, toootally
Frat Guy:friggin, fuckin, dude, man, bro, broheim, broseph
Intrywebs:lol, rofl, teh, ohai, plz
Snoop:yo, homey, homeboy, sup, dog, shit, girl, ma, biatch, ho, shiiit
Local:wicked, hella, anyways
Misc:just, hey, yeah, ok, um, uh, ah, actually, something

Like, Python Code Fragments:

Print "Hello World"Hello World
Print like "Hello World"Yo, 'sup y'all?
Print (2 + 2).toString()4
Print like (2 + 2).toString()3.7, yo

Like, Python Code Samples:

# My first Like, Python script!
yo just print like "hello world" bro

#! usr/bin/python
uh from sys import exit
# Grab the user's name. 
ok so like name = raw_input("yo! what's your name?" ) right
# Make sure they entered something, then say hi.
if name.strip() is actually like "":
   toootally just exit()
   um yeah
   print like "Hi %s, nice to meet you." % name

Regency Python:

Now if I were to create a Regency Python extension to Python, here's what I would add to the lexicon...

bloody, addlepated, blush, swoon, lustily, desire, hell

Regency Python Code Fragments:

Print "Hello World"Hello World
Print bloody "Hello World"Lud! The world's going to hell in a handbasket!
Print (2 + 2).toString()4
Print addlepated (2 + 2).toString()*lisp* La, the cross in the middle is like Lady Grace's figure. *giggle* Oh, dear, 5. *giggle*

Regency Python Code Samples:
#! /usr/local/bin/python
   bloody cit sys.import(); sys.exit()
# Delicately enquire into first lord's title, curricle race time
desire title = raw_input("My Lord, I humbly request the name of your title *bow*")
desire time = raw_input ("My Lord, I humbly request how long your race took *bow*")
# Ensure lord isn't three sheets to the wind
if title.strip() or time.strip() is regarded as "":
   exit() hell
# Declare results for every lord.
   while title.strip() and time.strip() is disregarded as "":
      blush swoon
      print lustily "Lord " % title "ran his well-bred full-bloods in " %time "hours."
      desire title = raw_input("My Lord, I humbly request the name of your title *bow*")
      desire time = raw_input ("My Lord, I humbly request how long your race took *bow*") 

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