Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Regency Bicentennial in 2011

Regency Dancers Cruikshank CartoonThe bicentennial of the beginning of the British Regency is next year, 2011. It was at Carlton House on February 6, 1811 that the Prince of Wales took the oath which made him Regent. At nine p.m. on June 19, 1811 the Prince Regent held a feat at Carlton House in celebration of his assumption of the Regency.

Regency MissAs a lover, reader, and aspiring writer of Regency romances, I was wondering what Romancelandia has in store to celebrate this.

How about a trip to London with your closest fifty friends?

Regency Ladies Playing GamesHow about a lavish foodie banquet with 100 of your close friends?

How about a fabulous Beau Monde conference at RWA National in New York?

I've been searching on the intrywebs in vain for any intimations of celebrations anywhere of this momentous event. Do you know of anything that's been planned?

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