Friday, April 16, 2010

Picture Day Friday

The Collins Hours copyright by the Philadelphia Museum of Art and LeavesOfGold
(Click on the image to see a bigger sized version.)

The origins of The Collins Hours or the Book of Hours for Rome is probably Bruges, Belgium in 1445—1450. The image below is of the original housed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art as a gift of Mrs. Philip S. Collins in memory of her husband. 1945-65- 4, fols. 73v-74

In the above illustration of the Nativity for the hour of Prime (about 6 a.m.), the Christ Child, the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and a handmaiden are pictured in a well-designed stable. The border surrounding the miniature is occupied by adoring shepherds. The artist, the Master of the Collins Hours, is named after his work in this manuscript. His illumination combines French and Flemish styles and shows great ingenuity.

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