Thursday, June 3, 2010

Julia Quinn GIVEAWAY

Ten Things I Love About You cover copyright by Julia QuinnAt 7pm PST on Wednesday July 26, Avon launched it's first ever live virtual booksigning. Julia Quinn helmed Avon's launch with her book Ten Things I Love About You. The event was powered by VivoLive, which allowed JQ to do a reading, answer questions, and sign copies for everyone who attended, in-person or online. Powell's Books hosted the event.

Even if you missed the event, you can order a signed copy from Powell's HERE. As a bonus, you can read their Q&A with her.

[GIVEAWAY Details: I'm giving away two extremely rare book coverflats from JQ's older books and two coveted Bridgerton bookmarks to two commenters. More details below.]

Julia Quinn publicity photo copyright by Julia QuinnJQ has long been a pioneer of new and innovative ways to market and promote her books and, most importantly, connect with her readers. JQ's writing style has earned her thousands of loyal fans, and consequently, she could rest on her laurels, and not make any further attempt to promote her books, and still have a comfortable career. Yet, she's constantly seeking new ways to reach her readers. She participates in book signings locally and nationally, speaks at conferences, gives workshops, and pioneers new ideas.

What Happens in London cover copyright by Julia QuinnLast year, JQ led the free e-version download giveaways program for Avon with her summer book What Happens in London. Her book trailer for that book set a new standard for book trailers. I talked more HERE about her promotion for WHIL.

If her innovation on her book trailer for WHIL wasn't enough, she's topped it with one for Ten Things I Love About You. This video is whimsical and follows the artwork of her UK covers. When you read the book, you realize, this is vintage JQ at her finest.

Here are Ten Things You Should Know about This Book (taken from JQ's website):

1. Sebastian Grey is a devilishly handsome rogue with a secret.
2. Annabel Winslow's family voted her The Winslow Most Likely to Speak Her Mind AND The Winslow Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Church.
3. Sebastian's uncle is the Earl of Newbury, and if he dies without siring an heir, Sebastian inherits everything.
4. Lord Newbury detests Sebastian and will stop at nothing to prevent this from happening.
5. Lord Newbury has decided that Annabel is the answer to all of his problems.
6. Annabel does not want to marry Lord Newbury, especially when she finds out he once romanced her grandmother.
7. is shocking, 8 is delicious, 9 is downright wicked, all of which leads the way to
10. Happily. Ever. After.

Here are Ten Things You Should Know about This Book (taken from VivoLive's website):

1. Quinn's writing is clever, sensual, and refreshingly humorous.
2. She's been called our "contemporary Jane Austen."
3. You will catch yourself laughing out loud multiple times.
4. Her hero has a totally endearing "secret" profession, not to mention a sleeping aliment.
5. The heroine's grandmother gives her permission to "ruin" herself.
6. You will be completely swept into the world of London society.
7. She has crafted a slimy villain who literally made your skin crawl.
8. Much of the story centers on the heroine's "ample" hip size.
9. Any book with the phrase "his grandmother always said that [tea] was the next best thing to vodka" goes on the keeper shelf.
10. You will not want to see this uplifting story end!

For one-on-one contact with JQ online, you can visit her on Facebook here or here, via Twitter, or on the message board.

GIVEAWAY Details: I'm giving away TWO extremely rare book coverflats from JQ's older books and TWO coveted Bridgerton bookmarks to TWO commenters. Please comment by 12pm US PST Friday, June 4.

Are you a long time fan of Julia Quinn' books, a recent reader, or have never read her books? If you've read her previous books, which ones are your favorites? And why?


  1. I have been reading Julia Quinn's books since the first one came out and I really love them. When I am having a down day I can always count on her books to make me laugh and feel like the world is just temporarily nuts and will recover soon!

    Tough to choose, but I think To Sir Phillip, With Love is my favorite and has been since the first time I read it. There is just something about Eloise that is so endearing and Sir Phillip has been through so much and deserves the joy Eloise brings him.

    One of my other favorites is Brighter Than the Sun. Gotta love a romance that starts with the hero falling out of a tree at the heroine's feet!

  2. Hey there, Louisa. Yes, my feelings exactly where JQ's concerned. They're the comfort read I reach for every time, no matter how many times I re-read.

    Sir Phillip is one of my top faves, too. For me, it's his character arc, especially what he went through, how he dealt with it then, how he came to terms with is, and how he's coming out of it now with Eloise's help.

    Heh on hero at heroine's feet. That's her marvelous talent: Taking a cliche, adding her brand of sparkling wit and humor, and turning it around and making it fresh and new and wonderful. A very tongue-in-cheek book.

  3. Hi, everyone! I have been a long time Julia Quinn reader. I always purchase extra books to send out to my sisters, who have become huge JQ fans.

    My favorite JQ book is The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever. There's just something about pining for some one at such a young age and then the fairy tale of it becoming reality. Miranda and Nigel are one of my two favorite couples :)

  4. I've been reading Julia Quinn since the Bridgertons. I really enjoyed how JQ kept the reader guessing about the identity of Lady Whistledown.

    My favorite is probably When He Was Wicked. Michael and Francesca are wonderful characters. I also liked The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheevers and The Lost Duke of Wyndham.

  5. Oh, definitely been a fan for a good few years now. :) My first and the one I call my favorite is How to Marry a Marquis. . . favorite Bridgerton book, It's in His Kiss. :)


  6. Okie, I adore turning new readers on to my favorite authors. It's like sharing a bite of that special chocolate. "I love this; you will, too; try it." Have you seen the movie SABRINA? That childhood crush to husband is what true romantic dreams are made out of, right?

    Lois, I heard you talking about the MARQUIS book someplace else and then had to go back and re-read it. So thank you for that. It's such a great story.

    Kim, I was so glad Michael had a second chance to be with Francesca. This story is so much more painful that Miranda's young infatuation-turned-to-love, but similar in character. They pine away and then their dreams come true.

    Kim, did you think Thomas or Jack deserved to be duke more? When I read Jack's book first, I thought he deserved it more. Then I read Thomas's book and was instantly conflicted.

  7. That's a tough question, but I think I will still go with Jack. Due to his affliction, Jack panicked and tried to reject the title. His biggest mistake was taking Thomas with him when he discovered the truth. Thomas was way too honorable to allow Jack to simply give him the title. It's just sad that there's really nothing comparable to a dukedom for Thomas. At least he didn't have to give up Amelia, too.

  8. Keira, Sabrina is an excellent example. I have always felt that that childhood crush to husband storyline never gets old. It truly makes it a romance fairytale! I love that movie btw :D I've seen it over a dozen times lol!

  9. Kim, absolutely! I wish Jack had raced over there by himself. Thomas was trained for the dukedom since birth, was in fact duke incarnate. Managing a ducal estate is not similar to learning society manners and etiquette or even learning business management. He has feel all aspects of the position deep in his bones. I'm also sure that Grace and Jack would've been happy owning/managing, say, one of Thomas's unentailed estates. However, when I read Jack's book, I thought Jack was completely worthy. Heh.

  10. "I have always felt that that childhood crush to husband storyline never gets old. It truly makes it a romance fairytale!"

    Okie, true enough!
