Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Meme: First Sentence of the First Post of Each Month

Date: January 1
Title: Happy New Year!
Line: Wishing all of you a very, very happy new year filled with joy, laughter, hard work, and success. And of course, tons of books!

Date: February 1
Title: Life List
Line: Reposting blog from January 3, 2011.

Date: March 2
Title: Picture Day Friday: Chocolate Cakes
Line: Following Wednesday's post about a book featuring chocolate and chocolate recipes, here are two pictures of wedding cake confections.

Date: April 2
Title: Sir Walter Scott and the Modern Novel
Line: The quotes in this post are from Beacon Lights of History: Great Writers by John Lord (©1896).

Date: May 6
Title: Domain Maintenance
Line: I apologize for my absence from the blog here this past week; I expect a few weeks of outage.

Date: June & July
Title: no posts

Date: August 11
Title: Resuming Posting
Line: The domain is still down.

Date: September 3
Title: Compiling Dictionaries: by Crowdsourcing or by Subject Matter Experts
Line: In an ongoing battle between which words are appropriate to enter into a lexicon, Deborah Cameron, who teaches linguistics and grammar at Oxford University, wades in with an op-ed on Berfrois.

Date: October 8
Title: Guardian's Crime Fiction Recommendations
Line: The UK newspaper The Guardian recently posted an open thread blog for best crime fiction among its readership, asking: "Who are your favourites, and which are their best books?

Date: November 5
Title: Home Offices
Line: Office supplies and home offices are my two favorite hobbies after buying and reading books by the pound.

Date: December 3
Title: Writing Advice by the Famous
Line: A couple years ago, UK's The Guardian ran a list of dos and don'ts of writing fiction by well-known writers—here are some highlights.

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