Monday, April 7, 2014

Jane Austen Summer Program at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill offers a Jane Austen Summer Program every June, focusing on one book every summer. In 2013, they started off the program with Pride & Prejudice; this year it's Sense & Sensibility.

Students to the program will hear guest speakers lecture about the book, Austen's body of work, the time period, and other details in the context of the book. In addition, visits to special exhibits and lively group discussions will be enjoined with all encouraged to participate. Registrants will also be able to dance at a Regency ball and sit down to a formal English tea.

According to the program notes: "The Austen Summer Program is designed to appeal to established scholars, high school teachers, graduate students, and undergraduate students—anyone with a passion for all things Austen is welcome to attend!"

The JASP residential symposium runs from June 12–15 this year and registration is now open.

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