Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Seattle Edible Book Festival

Image copyrighted by Frybooks Image copyrighted by Every year, we visit the Seattle Edible Book Festival to admire all the wonderful bookish puns recreated in food form. This festival is held in conjunction with the International Edible Book Festival around April 1 in celebration of the birthday of French gastronome Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826).

Your ticket gets you into the viewing part of the festival, the voting part of the festival, and also the eating part of the festival. That's right. After the judging is over, you get to walk around and put a piece of whatever tickles your fancy onto your plate or in a takeaway box they provide.

Image copyrighted by Seattle Edible Book Festival Some of the "books" the festival has seen are: 100 Bears of Solitude crafted from 100 individual Gummi bears, Le Petit(four) Prince, LePieAthan, Of Mice and Pen, and The Girl with the Dragon Fondue with a dragon-shaped bread and a whole lot of melted cheese. Here's a link to photos of entries from previous book festivals. The picture on the right is our favorite from 2012: Satanic Purses (in lieu of Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses).

This year's festival was on Saturday, March 29 from 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock at the Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, WA. If you're in Seattle next spring, you don't want to miss this. It's a surefire treat, I promise you.

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