Sunday, December 21, 2014

I'm Signed Up! Are You? 2015 TBR Reading Challenge

Wendy Crutcher, Super Librarian, has posted her 2015 TBR Reading Challenge. I loved it so much this year that I promptly signed up for next year. I read off-theme but if you like themes, here are next year's suggestions:

January 21 - Category romance, novellas, short stories

February 18 - Recommended book

March 18 - Series book

April 15 - Contemporary

May 20 - Copyright date is 10 years or older

June 17 - An author who has more than one book in your TBR pile

July 15 - Past RWA RITA winners or nominees)

August 19 - Impulse Read (The book you bought because of the cover or The book you bought on impulse or The book you cannot remember why you bought in the first place!)

September 16 - Historical

October 21 - Paranormal or romantic suspense

November 18 - It's All About The Hype (a book or author that got everybody talking)

December 16 - Holiday Themes

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