Monday, February 9, 2015

Romance Conference at the Library of Congress

"What Is Love? Romance Fiction in the Digital Age," an international, multimedia conference, will be hosted by the Library of Congress's Center for the Book on February 10 and 11, 2015.

The conference is free and open to the public and is being sponsored by Harlequin. Additional support is being provided by the Popular Romance Project, created by the Center for New History and Media at George Mason University; the Nora Roberts Foundation; the Romance Writers of America; and Berkley/NAL.

The conference agenda will include panels moderated by Pam Regis, professor of English at McDaniel College and president of the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance; Bill Gleason of Princeton University; Mary Bly of Fordham University (who writes as Eloisa James); and Riptide editorial director Sarah S.G. Frantz. Special author appearances include New York Times best-selling authors Robyn Carr and Brenda Jackson. The Popular Romance Project, led by Laurie Kahn of Blueberry Hill Productions, will include the feature-length documentary film "Love Between the Covers," as directed by Kahn.

Details about the panels and talks are HERE.

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