Friday, December 18, 2015

Picture Day Friday: Sant'Agostino Estense Illuminated Manuscript

When Giovanni Scorcioni tweeted about the Sant'Agostino Estense, I was struck by the unusual margin decoration surrounding the images. So far, I'd only looked at English manuscripts, where the styles are distinctly different. Scorcioni mentioned that this type of artwork is typical of the Ferrarese School under the patronage of the Estense family of Ferrara. This particular manuscript is the work of the scribe Andrea dalle Vieze and the artist Tommaso da Modena. It was produced around 1482 for the Este court during the time of Ercole I d'Este, duke of Ferrara and contains the Orationes by Saint Augustine.

[Image copyrighted by Facsimile Finder. Used with permission.]

[Image copyrighted by Facsimile Finder. Used with permission.]

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