Sunday, May 25, 2008

Health & Travel

I've been most remiss in not getting back to everyone commenting here. I was beset by the worst bout of migraines past couple weeks. Luckily, I had posts set up on the new Blogger scheduler, so the posts went up as planned. My own scheduler was off, so I couldn't come and see. Then yesterday, we traveled to Charlotte accompanied by a comedy of errors (the comedic part wasn't apparent till after we'd reached here and found our bags). Given that my body is still on west coast time, everyone else is asleep, and I snagged a few minutes on their computer to post this message. I'll be back in town Wednesday and will be back to blogging and commenting on the comments on Thursday. The sheer number of comments on both the previous posts makes me realize, I am indeed blessed in my friends. Thank you all for visiting and commenting.


  1. Big hugs on your migraines, Keira - as a fellow sufferer you have my every sympathy. I hope you have good drugs - Maxalt is wonderful for me. Do you know what's triggering them?

  2. Keira, you're worth waiting for. Don't stress about the blog. We'll still be here when you're ready to take us on! Hope you continue to recover. Bad health is just the pits - it's funny, when you're well, you don't think about it, and when you're sick, that's ALL you think about!

  3. Hope you feel better soon, Keira. Take your time, gives me more time to prepare for that fashion test. I'm terrible at that sort of thing.

    Get well and safe trip wishes!

  4. Feel better FAST Keira. We miss you when you're under the weather.
