Monday, June 9, 2008

Excuses...Excuses...and the Royal Ascot

Car AccidentI have nothing but excuses why I can't get a simple blog up. First there was health. Then there was travel. Then there was prolonged health. Then there were visitors. Today, there was The Accident. We're safe and well; car's in the shop; no one's hurt; our pocket-book got lighter; car insurance got heftier; husband's rather worried, but he was brilliant at managing everything and everybody today. Blog post has been delayed yet again. (Now to figure how to get myself to the chapter meeting Tuesday evening.) And keeping in line with how my life's been the past few weeks, I didn't final at the Royal Ascot, my very first contest. More to go.

Royal Ascot Finalists have been announced. (w00t! to doglady!)

Hot and Wild (Paranormal, Erotic, etc.) Regency
Angels At Almack's (Paranormal) by Cathryn Leming
The Raven's Heart (Paranormal) by Pamela Bolton-Holifield
Bluebeard's Hunger (Paranormal) by Lori Phibin
Final Round Judge: Hilary Sares, Kensington Books

Regency Historical
Defensive Measures by Alyssa Fernandez
Defiant by Elizabeth Baldwin
The Changing Light of Dawn by Joanne Lockyer
Final Round Judge: Tessa Woodward, Avon HarperCollins Publishers

Sweet and Mild (Traditional, Inspirational, Young Adult, etc.) Regency
Rakes & Radishes (Traditional) by Susan Newman
To Love a Lady (Traditional) by Marjorie Allen
Merlin's Hideaway (Young Adult) by Lavinia Klein
Final Round Judge: Lindsey McGurk, Samhain Publishing

Winners will be announced at the Beau Monde Soiree in San Francisco on July 30, 2008.


  1. Hey, Keira, at least you're getting material for your books with all this excitement and drama in your life...

    Um, was that clunk the sound of you tossing a halfboot in my direction? How rude! A true Regency lady wouldn't throw her footwear at a fan!

    Glad to hear you're OK. Ack to the car accident!

    Hugs on the Royal Ascot. But congratulations on being brave enough to put your work out there! I was delighted about Pam getting a mention too. And Joanne Lockyer is a VERY nice Aussie.

    Look after yourself and don't stress about the blog. We'll still be here noodling around the internet looking for amusement whenever you come back to us!

  2. Hi Keira! So sorry about the accident. I sure am glad to hear everyone is okay. (Thanks for the email!)

    Wish your name had been among those finalists but I'm SO PROUD of you for entering and am fully confident that your name WILL be up there someday.

    Hope you're able to go to the meeting tonight and enjoy Jo Bev. A nice relaxing evening with fellow authors is just the medicine you need.

    Don't worry about the blog. Just take care of your sweet self.

    Big Hugs,


  3. Dear, dear Foanna and PJ. Thank you for the buck-ups and the hugs.

    Nope, no half-boot. That was a Louboutin six-inch. :)

    I'm really, really looking forward to seeing JoBev this evening. Such a gracious lady.

  4. Hugs on the car, Keira! (If it isn't one thing, it's another!)

    And hugs on the RA, too. I know that feeling. (Don't I ever!) It's tough. But you're tough too, and that's what matters.


  5. Cara--thanks much for the hugs and the note. Friends are the bestest!

  6. Keira! So glad you are all safe.

    Bummer about the RA--I hope you get some useful feedback, at the very least. And congrats on sending it out there into the world--that's a huge act of bravery.

  7. Deb, thanks much for your kind words. Yes, I'm bummed, but I'm not totally down in the dumps about it. There are many more contests and much more writing for me to do.

  8. Don't worry about the blog, Keira. I'm just getting around to reading it today for pity's sake!

    Sorry to hear about the accident. I am so glad to hear everyone is okay.

    Congrats on putting yourself out there by entering The Royal Ascot. I am sure there are plenty more contest you'll enter and place in!

    On a side note, I thought they killed Traditional Regencies so why are they still a category?

    Just curious....

  9. Gosh, I'm so late reading your blog, Keira! So sorry I haven't been around for a while. I'm glad to hear you're all safe. And I'm sorry about The RA. There's always the next contest. PS: This can be a story for your Keynote speech some day!

  10. Man, I'm really late. LOL! SO glad to hear everyone is okay. Sorry about the car and the contest. But you will be in there someday. Or maybe not. You could always sell before ever finalling. It can happen!

  11. Kelly, hey, I like the way you look at this. My Keynote Address. w00t! May we all have the opportunity to do so some day.

    Terri and Kelly, we're all OK. Unhurt and OK. So no worries there. Thanks for your kind words.
