Friday, August 14, 2009

Picture Day Friday

Happy Birthday to Georgette Heyer! She turns 107 on Sunday, August 16.

Richard Armitage as John Thornton in North & South Sylvester by Georgette Heyer as read by Richard Armitage A paean to all things Richard Armitage by AustenProse: "Yes, gentle readers, I do freely admit to succumbing to the charms of a handsome face and sexy voice as quickly as the next fawning female in selecting a Heyer audio book recording of Sylvester solely based on its reader, Richard Armitage. For those who know of this talented British actor, I need say no more. For the benefit of the unenlightened, (and I am truly shocked by your egregious remiss), he is known for his dark, brooding, bad-boy looks, piercing blue eyes, and hypnotic voice. The good folks at Naxos Audiobooks may have (un)knowingly chosen the one actor who could elevate Georgette Heyer into the limelight that she so richly deserves. He speaks — and half the world swoons."


Diane Gaston said...

Omigosh, Keira! Richard Armitage reading Heyer?????

Keira Soleore said...

THUDding right along with you. I know. O.M.G.!